Marvel’s Avengers has a vast map and exploring every bit of it at your normal speed can be a tough task. You don’t have to worry about that until you know how to increase your speed in Marvel’s Avengers. Sprinting and running faster can prove very useful in certain scenarios while exploring or during battles. So without any delay, let’s start this guide on how to increase your speed in Marvel’s Avengers.

How to Sprint And Run in Marvel’s Avengers

Increasing speed in Marvel’s Avengers is really easy and can be done with a single click. Yes, just one click and that’s all. All you need to do is hit LS on Xbox One and L3 on PS4 along with the use of the left analog stick. This will kick off your character sprinting and running faster in the way of your analog stick movement.

If you stop running quickly after some time, then don’t interpret it to be a bug. Marvel’s Avengers allows you to increase your speed only for a limited time. Once the time is over, you will get back yo your normal speed. To get back running faster, you will have to repeat the process to initiate the run once again.

Sprinting and running faster in Marvel’s Avengers will allow you to quickly explore the map and find various beneficial items like golden chests and DNA keys. While it is a great way of exploring quickly, it is also helpful to parry and dodge enemy attacks in Marvel’s Avengers. Also, it can help to save your fellow character at a very crucial moment. A combination of these tips can help you progress rapidly in the game and allow you to get an upper hand over other players. Hope this will be enough for you to know how to increase your speed in Marvel’s Avengers.