Rust is a multiplayer survival video game released in December 2013 but it is still one of the most talked-about games in 2021. The only reason why everyone is talking about Rust is it had recently dropped an update, allowing players to team up with their friends.

The latest Rust update has made it quite easy for players to distinguish between friends and enemies. Earlier, it was quite difficult for players to distinguish between enemies and friends. Now, if you add friends to your team, they all will have White dots above their heads in Rust.

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Ever since the update released, there are players who are curious to know how to add friends in their team in Rust and if that’s you then look no further as we have a guide covering the same in the easiest way possible.

Rust: How To Add Friends To Your Team?

Adding friends to your team in Rust is way easier than you think. Anyone can add their friends in their team in Rust if they are the team leader. Yes, only the team leader can add any member to your team in Rust.

If you don’t know how to create a team in Rust then you should click on the bold link. Once a team is created, you can add anyone who you want to be a part of an eight-member team in the game.

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To add your friends to your team in Rust, you simply need to walk up to your friends who you want to add to your team and send them an invitation by pressing ‘E’ button. Once your friends accept your invitation, they will be added to your team in Rust.

That’s everything you need to know about how to add friends to your team in Rust. While here, ensure reading about how to get high-quality Metal in Rust