This article teaches you how to make a Facebook post shareable—whether it’s a new or existing post - as well as what you need to know about the process.
What To Know
- Enter your post on Facebook then click Friends > Public to make the post shareable.You can limit your audience from the same menu.Sharing important updates can help your local community.
How To Make Something Shareable on Facebook
Knowing how to make a post public on Facebook is a useful skill if you want to be able to share something far and wide across more than just your friends network. Here’s how to make Facebook posts shareable in a matter of a few simple steps.
- Go to
- Click What’s on your mind?
- Enter your post or paste the link in you wish to share.
- Click Friends.
- This button may be labeled something else, like Only Me, if that’s what is currently selected as your privacy option.
- Click Public to make the post viewable and shareable with anyone on Facebook.
- Click Post.
How To Make Existing Facebook Posts Shareable
If you have an existing Facebook post that you’d like to make shareable to a wider audience, the process is quite similar. Here’s what to do.
This process applies to all types of posts on Facebook including text posts, links, photos, and anything else you may post on the service.
Go to
Click What’s on your mind?
Enter your post or paste the link in you wish to share.
Click Friends.
This button may be labeled something else, like Only Me, if that’s what is currently selected as your privacy option.
Click Public to make the post viewable and shareable with anyone on Facebook.
Click Post.
- Go to
- Click your profile name.
- Scroll down to find the post you wish to share.
- Click the icon next to the time it was posted.
- Alternatively, you can click on the dots to the right and click Edit Audience.
- Click Public to make the post publicly viewable.
How To Limit the Audience To Your Facebook Post
When creating a post or sharing an existing one, you can also limit who within your network can view the post. Here’s how to limit who can read your post.
Click your profile name.
Scroll down to find the post you wish to share.
Click the icon next to the time it was posted.
Alternatively, you can click on the dots to the right and click Edit Audience.
Click Public to make the post publicly viewable.
- Go to
- Click What’s on your mind?
- Click Friends.
- This may read as Public if you’ve set your posts to Public in the past.
- Click Friends except… or Specific Friends.
- Either click on the friends you don’t wish to share the post with or click on the friends you wish to share with, depending on the option you’ve chosen.
- Click Save Changes.
- Click Post to post the update to your chosen audience.
Why Would I Want To Make a Facebook Post Shareable?
Many users may wish to keep their Facebook posts entirely private but there are some good reasons why you might want to make a post shareable. Here’s a quick look at some of them.
This may read as Public if you’ve set your posts to Public in the past.
Click Friends except… or Specific Friends.
Either click on the friends you don’t wish to share the post with or click on the friends you wish to share with, depending on the option you’ve chosen.
Click Save Changes.
Click Post to post the update to your chosen audience.
- You may wish to share knowledge. Experts in certain fields may wish to make a post shareable so they can impart that knowledge more widely. Be wary of doing this though unless you know the information is 100% accurate.You might want to highlight a local issue or event. If you’re involved in your local community, you may wish to share events or issues close to your heart so that other local people can learn about it. Sharing can be fun. Simply want to share a fun post to whoever happens to come across it? That’s possible too with your friends able to continue sharing it once you’ve made the post public.
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