We know from the Marvel’s Avengers Livestream that there are multiple puzzle-like depots included in the game. The first depot that you will come across in the game will be the AIM facility depot. Although opening this depot is simple, it might get challenging and frustrating if you miss small hints in the game. This guide will walk you through how to open the depot in Marvel’s Avengers Beta.

How to Open Depots in Marvel’s Avengers Beta

Puzzles to open depots in Marvel’s Avengers Beta are quite simple, but let’s not take them lightly. If you miss a single hint in puzzles you can get confused (puzzles are like that). To open any depot in Marvel’s Avengers Beta, the first thing that you need to do is look at the number of lights on it. Usually, there are 5 lights shining on top of the door. These lights represent the levels or stages of the puzzle that you need to solve.

The first depot has 2 lights, that means you have to turn off two switches to open it. All you need to do is follow the electrical wires beside the depot. These wires will lead you to switches. For the first AIM facility depot, both the switches are located at the facility door. One is to the left and the other is to the right of the door. Press these switches and it will open the depot. To open some of the depots, you will have to press these switches in sequence.

To summarize it all, first look at the number of lights on the depot. Next, you need to follow the electrical wires and press the switches to turn off the locking mechanism. That’s how you open the depot in Marvel Avenger’s Beta. Marvel’s Avengers is not all about depots, you should also learn how to grab and slam enemies in the game because that’s what is really gonna help you go the long. You must also master controlling characters like flying when playing Iron Man and performing power attacks while playing Thor.