The New Xbox One Experience (NXOE) is now out the door, and the new experience not only brings Windows 10 to game consoles with a completely redesign UI and makes the experience faster than ever before. However, Microsoft is also adding a great new feature the “Xbox One Backward Compatibility”, which will allow gamers play Xbox 360 games on their Xbox One console.

The Xbox One Backward Compatibility is now available for everyone, and perhaps two of the most common questions will be: How do you play Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One? And how everything works? To answer these and other questions, Microsoft’s Larry Hryb (Major Nelson) and “FLitz” from Smosh Games explain to the Xbox community the Xbox One Backward Compatibility.

The YouTube video answers many common questions about the new feature, such as:

  • What do you have to do to bring your Xbox 360 games to Xbox One? Nothing. If you’re signed in with your Xbox Live account, Microsoft knows which games you have purchased digitally and it will make them available in your Games library.
  • How do you play Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One? Simply select the game and press A. Then the Xbox 360 emulator will load and you’ll be able to play the game.
  • How to about your game saves? All this information will migrate automatically as long you made sure, you’re cloud saved your game progress. The Xbox One will automatically pick up all those saves and you can continue where you left off.
  • How does it work if you have a physical disc of a Xbox 360 game? Pop the DVD for the Xbox 360 game that is compatible with backward compatibility program on Xbox One, the console will download the compatible version from Xbox Live, and then you’ll be able to play the game. Though, you’ll need to insert the disc every time you want to play the game.
  • What happens with all your achievements, game add-ons, and DLC you had in your Xbox 360? All this content will be automatically available on you Xbox One.
  • What Xbox 360 games are playable on Xbox One? Simply, go to to find out which games are available in the program. Microsoft will be updating the list very frequently.
  • What happens is the Xbox 360 game you like isn’t compatible? If your favorite game isn’t compatible, go to to submit your request or vote on the list of games, and Microsoft will try to make it available on Xbox One.
  • Is there any trick using Xbox 360 games on Xbox One? Pushing the “view” and “menu” button together brings the Xbox 360 guide to access all the features, such as settings, games, friends, party, messages, chat, and more.
  • Can you use Xbox One features on backward compatibility games? Absolutely, because you’re using Xbox One, you will able to access features, such as double-tap to do “Xbox Record That” or take screenshot of your Xbox 360 games.
  • Can you play Xbox 360 games online with backward compatibility? Yes, multiplayer gaming is fully supported on the compatible games.
  • Are the Xbox 360 games available through the free Xbox with Gold program playable on Xbox One? Microsoft says that starting November, all Xbox 360 games available through the Xbox with Gold program will be compatible with Xbox One.

Remember that Xbox One Backward Compatibility will be available on November 12, 2015, starting 12:01 PM PT, and it’s just another feature Microsoft is including to the massive dashboard redesign for Xbox One, which finally will be running on the Windows 10 core.

What do you think about this nifty feature on Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below.