How many times have you wanted to know more about a Web image, but didn’t know where to find the information? Have you tried using Google Chrome’s “inspect element” feature, but found yourself confused?

Image properties can provide important information pertaining to any Web image that you may need for research, a blog post, a project, etc. Because of this, it’s nice to have a convenient way to access that information.

Whether you want to avoid Google Chrome’s element inspector or just want an easier way to view the properties of a Web image, here’s what you can do.

  1. Install the Image Properties Context Menu extension for Google Chrome.

  2. When you find an image that you want to know more about, right-click on it and select “Image Properties.”

  3. A small window will pop up with your image and the following information: location, source, dimensions, ALT text, data URI, file size, MIME type. If one of these parameters isn’t available, then the field will remain blank.

  4. Clicking anywhere on each field will automatically highlight/select the entire field, which makes it easy to copy the data.

  5. You can also zoom in/out of the image by using the magnifying slider to the right of the image – when you hover your mouse over the magnifying glass, it will turn into a slider.

Now isn’t that so much quicker than using the element inspector or doing a search to find out more about an image?

Charnita has been a Freelance Writer & Professional Blogger since 2008. As an early adopter she loves trying out new apps and services. As a Windows, Mac, Linux and iOS user, she has a great love for bleeding edge technology. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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