This article explains how to rate an app on Apple’s App Store. Rating is simple, quick, and can help others.
What to Know
- In the App Store, tap your profile > Purchased. Tap the app, go to Ratings & Reviews, and enter the stars you want to give the app.Tap Write a Review to leave a written review of the app. Add an optional title and write your review, then tap Send to add your review.In some apps, you also have the chance to leave a review from within the app. You’ll see a pop-up window where you can enter the review.
How to Rate an App in the Apple App Store
To rate an app in the App Store, follow these steps:
- On your iOS or iPadOS device, tap the App Store app to open it.
- Tap your photo (or icon, if you haven’t added a photo) in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Tap Purchased.
- Tap the app you want to rate.
- Scroll down to the Ratings & Reviews section.
- Tap the number of stars you want to give the app. Your rating is automatically saved and submitted.
- Added the wrong rating or changed your mind? You can come back to the app at any time and update your rating.
- You can also tap Write a Review to leave a written review of the app. Add an optional title and write your review, then tap Send to add your review.
How to Rate an App in the App Itself
In some apps, you also have the chance to leave a review from within the app itself. Not every app has this feature—the developer needs to add it—but some do.
On your iOS or iPadOS device, tap the App Store app to open it.
Tap your photo (or icon, if you haven’t added a photo) in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Tap Purchased.
Tap the app you want to rate.
Scroll down to the Ratings & Reviews section.
Tap the number of stars you want to give the app. Your rating is automatically saved and submitted.
Added the wrong rating or changed your mind? You can come back to the app at any time and update your rating.
You can also tap Write a Review to leave a written review of the app. Add an optional title and write your review, then tap Send to add your review.
There’s no way to review iOS or iPadsOS apps from a desktop computer after Apple discontinued iTunes with macOS Catalina (10.15). If you’re running a version of macOS that still has iTunes, though, you can review apps in the App Store section of iTunes.
In that case, a pop-up window will occasionally appear asking you to leave a review. You can dismiss this without a leaving a review, of course, but if you want to leave a review, tap the number of stars you want to assign, then tap Submit. This rating is sent to the App Store just like if you went there directly.
Why You Should Rate Apps
You may think about rating your iOS apps, but there are a few reasons that you should consider doing it:
- Helping other users: Reading reviews and finding out whether an app is good before downloading and using it can save other users time. For paid apps, it also saves them money. Leaving a review helps users get a clear picture of whether the app is good or not, and helps them make a good decision.Helping the developer: Developers needs to know what their users like and don’t like in apps. They also need to hear about bugs in the app. Reviews are a direct way to do that.Helping Apple: Apple’s App Store search feature and algorithms may be influenced by whether an app is rated well or poorly.
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