In Pokemon Scarlet and violet, you can participate in Tera Raids to catch strong Pokemon like the 7-Star Charizard. These Pokemon can Terastallize which is similar to the Gigantamax mechanic. Apart from them, you can also farm invaluable items like Tera Shards and Herba Mystica. These rewards get better with higher raids. So it’s understandable to hit as many raids as possible. However, these Tera Crystals disappear after every successful raid and you have to look for new ones on the map. If you completed all of them and want to respawn them then look no further. In this article, we will tell you how to reset Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How to Reset Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To reset Tera Raids in Scarlet and Violet, you have to time-skip to midnight in real-time. You can do this in Switch’s Time & Date option. Here are some simple steps to respawn Tera Raids:

  • Close Scarlet & Violet or hit the Home key to open Switch’s Main Menu.
  • There, scroll to Switch’s Settings.
  • Scroll all the way down to “System”.
  • There, scroll down to “Date and time”.
  • Make sure that “Synchronise Clock via Internet” is turned off.
  • Select “Date and Time” and change the time so it’s close to midnight (23:55 – 23:58).
  • Go back to the game and wait till the clock hits midnight.
  • Then, open the map and look for new respawned raids.

Changing the date to the next day works as well but you might get locked out of all timed events for 24 hours. So avoid changing the date and use the time method to reset Tera Raids in Scarlet and Violet. You can also use this method to reset the Mass Outbreaks in SV.

Another way you can respawn raids is by completing all the lower Tier raids. This is a tedious method but you can use it if you don’t want to mess with your Switch’s settings.

Those are the ways to reset Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. For more helpful guides like How to get Higher Star Raids and How to beat 5-Star Raids, visit our SV section soon.