There are some websites that you visit frequently, and you save them in your bookmarks for quick access. If you are an Android user, you now have an easy way to do that. You can now save your bookmarks right on your device’s homescreen, and it will require only one tap and your chosen site will be in front of you. Here’s how you can go about doing that:
The bookmarks can be saved on your homescreen by using either the default browser that comes preloaded on all the Android devices or the Firefox web browser. We will show you how you can do it with both of these web browsers.
Using the Default Browser
Launch the default web browser on your device.
Open your favorite website.
Press the Menu button on your device, and it will bring up a couple of options for you to choose from. Tap on the one that says “Add shortcut.”
It will say it has successfully created a shortcut for your chosen website on your homescreen. Your screen will look like the following:
You should now be able to see the shortcut created on your homescreen.
To open the website, just tap on the shortcut, and it will do everything for you, from launching the web browser to loading the page, and you will have the fully loaded website on your device.
That was about the default browser, here’s how you can do the same using Firefox.
Using the Firefox Browser
Launch the Firefox browser on your device.
Open any website you wish to create a bookmark for,, for example.
Press the Menu button on your device and you should see a couple of options to choose from. Tap on the little star icon shown in the top of the options.
It should say the bookmark has been added. What it has actually done is added the bookmark to your browser and not to your homescreen. To add it to your homescreen, tap on the option that says “Options.” You need to do this quickly, as the option will disappear after a couple of seconds.
On the screen that follows, tap on “Add to Home Screen.” It will add the bookmark to your homescreen.
Once it is done, it should say the bookmark has been created. You will see something like the following:
You can now see the bookmark for your chosen website on your homescreen. Tap on it and it will open up the website for you.
And that’s all there is to it.
You now know how easily you can create bookmarks for your favorite websites on your homescreen, for quicker access to the most visited websites on your device.
Who would go an extra mile for doing something that can be done right from where you are? The above simple tip will help you place shortcuts for your favorite websites on your homescreen, making it darn easy for you to access your websites in just a single tap.
Mahesh Makvana is a freelance tech writer who’s written thousands of posts about various tech topics on various sites. He specializes in writing about Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android tech posts. He’s been into the field for last eight years and hasn’t spent a single day without tinkering around his devices.
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