Google+ might not be as big as Facebook (for now), but it does has its fair share of users and being tightly integrated with Youtube, Hangout and many other Google products make it a really useful social network, whether it is for personal uses or for marketing your brand. As good as it gets, it is still lacking in several areas, notably the ability to schedule update to your G+ profile. As of this moment, you still have to manually go to your G+ account to post update.

Do Share is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to schedule future update to your G+ profile. While it comes with some limitation, its scheduling and updating posts features work incredibly well.

To get started, simply install the extension in Google Chrome.

Before you start to use Do Share, you have to make sure that you are logged into your Google+ account. Next, click on the Do Share icon in the toolbar and you can start to compose your message. It supports update, comments, +mentions, link sharing, reshares, and photo uploads.

Just beneath the text editor is where you can select the circles you want to publish to. If you are not logged in, you will only see “Public” and “Extended Circle”.

Lastly, you just have to “Schedule” button and pick a date to publish the post. Once done, click the Done button to place it in queue.

Alternatively, you can save as Draft and return to edit the message later.

Some Limitations

  1. There are several limitations with Do Share. First of all, the extension resides on your browser and does not have a server to handle your query. This means that all your scheduled posts only reside in your browser and is not synced across the Web. If you scheduled a post using the browser in the office PC, you won’t be able to access it from the browser in your Home PC.

  2. Next, it requires you to be logged in to Google+ at all times, and most definitely, your PC to be on at all times. If you are scheduling the post to publish at midnight while you are sleeping, you will have to leave your PC on and logged on to your G+ account.

  3. It doesn’t support Google Plus Page. You can only post to your own G+ profile.

  4. It works only in Google Chrome.


If you can live with the limitations, this is definitely a great way to schedule future update to your Google Plus account, at least until Google releases the API for posts publishing.

Let us know if you know of any other way to schedule posts in Google Plus.

Damien Oh started writing tech articles since 2007 and has over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He is proficient in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS, and worked as a part time WordPress Developer. He is currently the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Make Tech Easier.

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