Alight the Frequency is a simple puzzle in Gotham Knights. There are four amplifiers and a sonic device attached to them. You have to align the amplifier frequencies as shown on the device’s screen. You just have to match the pattern of frequencies on the four amplifiers and that’s it and you are done with this part. So if you are stuck at this level read below for the solution.

Align the Frequencies Puzzle Solution

In the image screenshot above you can see four patterns of frequencies. You just have to alight them one by one on all four amplifiers in the room. Start from the extreme right one and interact with the device’s utility you see the frequencies as displayed on the Sonic Devices screen. To make things simple check the image below. Follow up sequentially and alight the frequencies.

Once done the device will get active and the puzzle will end with a cutscene. There are two more puzzles before this, one is Breach the Blast Door and the second is Solarium Lab Puzzle. After completing this two you will get an objective to reach the tower. This is where you will find the Alight the Frequences puzzle. Below are solutions for both just in case you are unable to reach the Sonic Device yet.

How to Solve Blast Door Puzzle?

The objective is to destroy a red door, and for this, you will need a laser weapon. Just above the door is a panel that has two switches. Look for blue laser light. Use the left one to move the laser weapon up and then use the right switch to move it to the left side just above a truck. Now look straight at the front for another small control panel, and track the blue light. Press the right switch to rotate the platform that has an army truck tank over it.

Press the switch to rate the truck to face the door and then return back to the previous control panel, press the left switch to place the laser weapon down. To operate, return back to the panel you have used for rotating the platform and press the left switch to destroy the door.

How to Solve Solarium Lab Puzzle?

The next one is a small Solarium Lab Puzzle, to solve this just link the third tube from the right to the second pink on the left side. That’s it, this will give you the next objective to check more about the Sonic Test. This will lead you to the tower where you will find the Sonic device and will have to align the frequencies.

Want more puzzle-related help then check our Owl Puzzle and Windmill Puzzle solution guide.