On Xbox One, you’ve been able to switch between the dark and light theme for quite some time, but now, it’s possible to set your personalization settings to switch between light and dark themes based on the time day starting with the April 2018 update.

Also, using the new settings, you can specify to automatically transition from the light to the dark theme based on your location’s sunrise and sunset hours.

In this guide, you’ll learn the easy steps to set your Xbox One personalization settings to change themes automatically based on the time of day.

How to switch themes depending time of day on Xbox One

To automatically switch color themes on schedule, use the following steps:

  • Press the Xbox logo button to open the Guide.
  • Select the gear button on the far-right.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Personalization.
  • Click on Theme & motion.
  • Xbox One Theme & motion option
  • Select the Scheduled option.
  • Xbox One theme Scheduled option
  • Check the Sunrise and sunset times option. (Alternatively, you can choose a range of time when you want the theme to switch.)
  • Xbox One theme scheduled settings

Once you’ve completed the steps, the system theme will switch from light to dark or dark to light automatically depending on the schedule you configured.

Press the Xbox logo button to open the Guide.

Select the gear button on the far-right.

Click on Settings.

Click on Personalization.

Click on Theme & motion.

Xbox One Theme & motion option

Select the Scheduled option.

Xbox One theme Scheduled option

Check the Sunrise and sunset times option. (Alternatively, you can choose a range of time when you want the theme to switch.)

Xbox One theme scheduled settings