Switching from regular Yahoo Mail to Yahoo Mail Basic gives you a cleaner, faster loading interface, which can be useful if your internet connection is slow, your browser is having issues, or you prefer a simpler experience.
What to Know
- Select Settings > More Settings and choose Switch to Basic Mail.To change back, click Switch to the newest Yahoo Mail in the upper-right corner of the Basic Mail screen.
How to Switch to Yahoo Mail Basic
Yahoo Mail turns to basic mode automatically when it senses a slow connection or a browser that doesn’t know how to handle the full-featured interface. However, to switch it over manually takes a few steps:
- Click the Settings gear.
- Select More Settings in the drop-down menu.
- Click Switch to basic Mail. The basic interface loads.
How to Switch Back to the Full Yahoo Mail
Changing back to the latest version of Yahoo Mail is simple: Click Switch to the newest Yahoo Mail in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Click the Settings gear.
Select More Settings in the drop-down menu.
Click Switch to basic Mail. The basic interface loads.
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