How To Replace Switches On Mechanical Keyboard

This article explains how to replace switches on a mechanical keyboard. What to Know Remove the keycaps using a cap pulling tool, then remove the switches with a switch pulling tool. If the switches don’t come out easily, ensure your keyboard supports hot-swapping. If your keyboard doesn’t, you’ll need to desolder each switch and solder new switches to the circuit board. How Do You Remove a Mechanical Keyboard Switch? Unlike other keyboards, many mechanical keyboards use hot-swappable switches that are easy to pop out and replace....

September 13, 2022 · 6 min · 1272 words · Donald Barrett

How To Reset Angry Npcs In Elden Ring

Elden Ring is an open-world game packed with menacing foes, but NPCs on the other hand may or may not be hostile. Until you attack them and they become aggro. Due to this, you might get locked out of a quest where they were supposed to help you out. So, how to reset angry NPCs in Elden Ring so that you can continue your journey without having to kill them?...

September 13, 2022 · 2 min · 330 words · Ilse Smith

How To Set Up Mic In Phasmophobia Voice Chat Settings

Talking to your fellow team members and the ghost forms an essential part of your missions as a ghost investigator. It is what makes Phasmophobia so different and immersive. There are certain Spirit Box phrases and Ouija Board commands lists that you can use to ask questions to Ghosts. The game is still in early access, so you never know, the final launched game can have an even deeper interaction with ghosts....

September 13, 2022 · 2 min · 367 words · Patricia Shiplett

How To Set Up Parental Controls In Windows 11

This article explains how to set up parental controls in Windows 11, including how to restrict your child’s access to websites, limit screen time, and more. What to Know You and your child both need Microsoft accounts (not local accounts). Go to Settings > Accounts > Family & Other Users > Add a Family Member (Add Account) > Create one for a child > create an account. To adjust parental controls, go to Settings > Accounts > Family & Other Users > Manage family settings online or remove an account, and log in....

September 13, 2022 · 9 min · 1842 words · Brenda Nadal

How To Setup Hdmi Digital Playback In Linux

Like many people, I have an HDTV in my house that supports HDMI input devices, such as Blu-ray players. I also like to watch streaming content over the Internet, downloaded videos, and listen to music all from my TV and home theater system. Unfortunately, I do not have a Boxee box or a Roku box. All I have is a Blu-ray player that supports very few video formats and only offers a few streaming options, such as Netflix....

September 13, 2022 · 4 min · 821 words · Steven Gary

How To Sort Emails By Date Received In Thunderbird

Mozilla’s Thunderbird allows you to sort emails by date easily. Here’s how. Open the folder you want to sort. Navigate to View > Sort by. Select Received. From the same menu, choose whether you want your email sorted by Ascending or Descending date. To see your newest emails first, select Descending. Sorting by Date vs. Received So why not sort by date? The answer lies in the fact that the date of an email is determined by the sender, not by anything on your end....

September 13, 2022 · 2 min · 312 words · Robert Krasner

How To Take A Screenshot On Lg Smartphones

This article explains how to take screenshots on LG Android smartphones. We’ll also show you what you can do with the screenshot afterward. What to Know Go to the screen you want to capture > press and hold Power and Volume-down at the same time.Tap Share to share the screenshot via email, text, or social media. Tap Trash to delete screenshot.Find your screenshots in LG’s Gallery app or another app designated to manage photos....

September 13, 2022 · 4 min · 694 words · Donna Roosevelt

How To Hack Proof Your Wireless Router

This article explains how to hack-proof your wireless router. Instructions apply broadly to all Wi-Fi router brands and models. What to Know Enable WPA2 or WPA3 wireless encryption, then create a strong network name (SSID) and Wi-Fi key.Turn on your wireless router’s firewall, or use an encrypted VPN service.Turn off the admin via wireless feature on your router. Enable WPA2 or WPA3 Wireless Encryption If you aren’t using a minimum of Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) encryption to protect your wireless network, this leaves your network wide open because hackers can virtually walk into your network....

September 12, 2022 · 4 min · 710 words · Richard Allen

How To Hide Apps In The Iphone Or Ipad Purchased List

This article explains how to hide apps you previously purchased on an iPhone or iPad. Instructions apply to iOS 13 and iPadOS 13. These instructions will likely work on earlier versions of those operating systems, although menu names and commands (and their locations) may be different. What to Know In the App Store, tap your profile picture > Purchased > All. Locate the app you want to hide, swipe left, and then tap Hide....

September 12, 2022 · 4 min · 666 words · Lewis Johnson

How To Increase Equip Load In Elden Ring

You should increase your Equip Load in Elden Ring no matter if you are in the Early game or post-game. It is a stat that greatly influences your combat and how you fight the different enemies in the game. It does that by determining how fast your character rolls and the recovery speed of your stamina. So in this guide find out how to increase Equip Load in Elden Ring....

September 12, 2022 · 5 min · 944 words · Jose Steppig

How To Insert An Inline Image In An Outlook Message

This article explains how to insert a picture into the body of an email instead of attaching it as a file in Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, and 2010, Outlook for Microsoft 365, and What to Know Select HTML formatting for your email, if it’s not the default.Then, Insert > Illustrations and select your image.For, select the picture icon, choose your image, and click Open. How to Insert an Image Into an Outlook Message Follow these steps to add an inline image to your email:...

September 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1331 words · Harriette Caberto

How To Install A Personal Google Drive Using Fengoffice

Google has a great set of services available for general consumers, and even offers it for a reasonable rate for businesses. But if you’re the paranoid type, or just like to do things yourself, there’s a way you can create something like Google Docs that you install and host on any Ubuntu box you might have (although accessing this if it’s on a machine at your home is a different issue)....

September 12, 2022 · 4 min · 773 words · Erin Mcdonald

How To Install Any Ring Doorbell Without An Existing Doorbell

Ring Doorbells are easy to install, even if you don’t have an existing doorbell. Ring supplies you with everything you will need right in the box. Here’s how to install a Ring Video Doorbell, Ring Video Doorbell 2, and Ring Video Doorbell 3 and 3 Plus, without an existing doorbell. What to Know Install the Ring app on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and create a Ring account.Use the Ring app to set up your Ring Doorbell, following the onscreen instructions....

September 12, 2022 · 8 min · 1632 words · Ryan Brown

How To Look Up Words By Definition In Windows 10

There are many words out there, as you may have noticed. Long words, short words, a thousand synonyms and antonyms for each one of them, leaving you feeling confused and a little bit illiterate. Luckily, whether you’re browsing the Internet, reading a PDF or working in a Word or Google Docs document, it’s actually quite easy to look up words by definition on your PC. Here’s how. While this article is focusing on Windows 10, most of the methods used are applicable for various operating systems...

September 12, 2022 · 3 min · 531 words · Regina Candelaria

How To Make Farm Glass In V Rising

V Rising is a Survival Action-Adventure game with Multiplayer. You play as a weakened Vampire who woke up from slumber in this game. Now you must gather resources, battle foes, & build up your Castle and Army. All resources in this game are valuable for survival. The Sun being the major obstacle in your way, you will need to use Magical items to resist it. That’s where Glass comes in. Glass is one of the key components in making something as important as Scourgestone....

September 12, 2022 · 2 min · 237 words · Ruth Shelpman

How To Make Your First Linux App With Flutter

Many popular apps, such as Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, and WhatsApp, don’t have Linux desktop counterparts. However, thanks to cross-platform application development platforms like Electron, Flutter and Tauri, the number of Linux apps is on the rise. If you’re interested in trying your hand at development, this tutorial shows you how to make a very simple app using Flutter and could prove helpful for those who want to figure out how to create apps for Linux and get some programming experience....

September 12, 2022 · 9 min · 1743 words · Richard Fry

How To Manage Your Internet Explorer Favorites

Internet Explorer favorites are super useful if you like to revisit the same sites. Save a favorite/bookmark in the browser and return to it any time you want to instantly access that site again. There are several aspects to managing favorites. You can create one and edit an existing one, as well as organize favorites into familiar categories, export them so that you can access the favorites on a new computer, delete them, and more....

September 12, 2022 · 10 min · 2007 words · Charlotte Doten

How To Play And Master Brimstone In Valorant

Brimstone Abilities in Valorant Brimstone is locked and loaded for war, being a veteran in these situations he has perfected quite a few aspects which his abilities work in unison for massive impact. See, Brimstone’s abilities let him manipulate where he wants them to go. This ability to dictate your opponent’s play, helps him get his enemies in a trap before dealing with a massive blow. Incendiary This ability lets Brimstone throw a grenade that will cover a small area up in flames damaging anyone who dares cross it....

September 12, 2022 · 2 min · 283 words · Bruce Brown

How To Play Co Op With Friends In Salt And Sacrifice

Salt and Sacrifice is a Soulborne-inspired game that supports co-op with friends and strangers. This game is an interesting take on the Soulsborne games but in a 2D fashion. A treat to the retro game fans or those who love Metroidvania. And just like the Soulborne games it too allows you to play together with others. So in this guide let us check how to play co-op with friends in Salt and Sacrifice both local and online....

September 12, 2022 · 4 min · 843 words · David Dieguez

How To See What S Taking Up Space On A Hard Drive On Windows 10

When the computer’s hard drive begins to fill up, you will start wondering what’s taking up all the available space, which is when “Storage sense” will come in handy. On Windows 10, most people know “Storage sense” as a feature to free up hard drive space. While this is true, it is also a tool to analyze the content of any drive to figure out the space utilization to know where to start cleaning up files you cannot remove using this feature....

September 12, 2022 · 3 min · 605 words · Joe Fraher