How To Send Email Reminders To Yourself On Iphone

This article provides step-by-step instructions for two ways to use the pre-installed Mail app’s email reminder feature. Instructions apply to iOS 16 and later. What To Know From your inbox: Swipe right on the message > Remind Me > Remind Me Later > choose date and time > Done.Inside a message: Tap Reply > Reminder Options > choose date and time > Done.To remove a reminder, swipe or select Reply, and then choose Edit Reminder > Remove Reminder....

September 12, 2022 · 5 min · 875 words · Brenda Lynch

How To Set Alarm On Apple Watch

This article explains how to set an alarm on an Apple Watch using Siri or touch commands. The instructions apply to all Apple Watch models. What to Know Select Settings > Siri > tell Siri “Hey Siri, set an alarm for [time].“Our use touch controls: Select Alarm icon > Add Alarm. Use digital crown to adjust hours/minutes > Set.To sync alarms from your iPhone, open the Apple Watch app and select My Watch > Clock > Push Alerts....

September 12, 2022 · 5 min · 919 words · William Canta

How To Stop Computer From Waking Up On Windows 11

On Windows 11, if your computer keeps waking up automatically in the middle of the night, it could be a device or scheduled task that has the power management settings to run even though the device is sleeping or hibernating. The operating system has multiple power states, including sleep, hibernation, and hybrid, when you use any of these features, even though the computer is not running, the system is still able to wake up automatically to run scheduled tasks....

September 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1488 words · Michael Simpson

How To Switch Email For Parental Control In Google

Parental control is a Google way of providing online security to your children. By enabling parental control on your Google account, you can set restrictions on how your child will use their device. If you have children in your house with their separate devices and accounts, you can set up a family group using the family link app, which will let you, as a parent, track your child or other family members’ devices and manage their bills....

September 12, 2022 · 7 min · 1471 words · Wayne Bybee

How To Tell What Iphone You Have

This article explains how to find your iPhone model number using the iOS software, a number printed on your phone, and how that code translates to a version number. What to Know Find iPhone model number: Settings > General > About and locate the model name and number.On iPhone 7 and earlier: Look on the back of the phone, below the iPhone logo, but you’ll need something to magnify the text there....

September 12, 2022 · 5 min · 960 words · Shannon Guest

How To Test A Suspicious Link Without Clicking It

This article explains how to test a suspicious link without clicking it. It focuses on expanding short links, verifying unsolicited emails, and decoding links with strange character strings. It includes information on general safety tips for avoiding suspicious links using link scanners and anti-malware or antivirus software. What to Know Inspect short links using a link-expansion service, such as ChecShortURL, or a browser plug-in to show the link’s destination.Verify solicited emails from your bank or other financial institution by contacting them directly....

September 12, 2022 · 5 min · 982 words · Johnnie Mccartney

How To Transfer Contacts From Iphone To Android

When you are switching from an iphone to Android, one of the headaches is transferring your contacts. Things would’ve been easier if iphone allowed you to copy your contacts to sim-card and then you could’ve simply imported it via Android contact settings. However, there is a convenient way to transfer or export your contacts. You can easily use iTunes to sync your iPhone contacts to your Gmail or Google account. For this method, you will of course need a Google account....

September 12, 2022 · 2 min · 282 words · Clay Woods

How To Get To Nazjatar In World Of Warcraft Return Back To Nazjatar

World of Warcraft is back with a bang. The latest patch update 8.2 adds two areas in the Kul Tiras map. The two areas are Mechagon and Nazjatar. Mechagon and Nazjatar are both located at the far edges of the Kul Tiras. Hence, how to get there becomes a huge question. In this guide, we walk you through everything that you need to know about how to get to Nazjatar in World of Warcraft while leaving the first area for some other guide....

September 11, 2022 · 3 min · 453 words · Karey Hill

How To Install Deepin Terminal In Ubuntu

Deepin terminal is a python-based terminal emulator, specifically developed for the Chinese Linux distribution called “Deepin.” It has many useful features, some of which, like “quake mode” would usually require a separate application to be installed. Installing Deepin terminal in Ubuntu Deepin terminal has many Deepin OS-specific dependencies, so installation is not necessarily straightforward on all systems. Fortunately NoobsLab has created a PPA for easy installation of most Deepin specific software....

September 11, 2022 · 3 min · 458 words · Gordon Anthony

How To Install Mysql On Windows 10

MySQL is the database that holds important information like user credentials, website content, or options like size and color for your favorite products. It’s part of a “stack” of software called LAMP, which stands for Linux, the Apache web server, MySQL, and the PHP programming language. Here’s why you might want to install MySQL on Windows 10 and how to do so. Why Install MySQL on Windows 10? MySQL is free, open-source software, and you can even download the source code if you like....

September 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1496 words · Richard Pidro

How To Kill Warden Garcia In The Surge 2 Boss Fight

You will face Warden Garcia after spotting the giant creature killing one of the soldiers. This is after you unlock the first Medbay in the JCPD Armory region after killing Nitro Boss. You will also unlock your first three weapons, a Spear, Sword, and Hammer which are indistinctly named into some tech model. It is important to unlock the Medbay and upgrade your self a little using the Module Point. You will earn Module Point by Leveling Up that requires Tech Scraps....

September 11, 2022 · 3 min · 606 words · Teresa Jones

How To Legally Use Copyrighted Music In Youtube Videos

This article explains how to legally use copyrighted music in YouTube videos. It also includes information on the restrictions that apply to using copyrighted music on YouTube. What to Know Free music: Select your YouTube profile photo and choose YouTube Studio > Audio Library > Free Music.Commercial Music: Check music availability in Audio Library > Have different music in your video? Check its copyright policies. Finding Music for Your Videos Without Violating Copyright Law Using commercial music as the background for your YouTube video without permission might violate U....

September 11, 2022 · 5 min · 1022 words · David Crichton

How To Level Up Quickly In Maneater

If you’ve ever dreamed of being a shark and swimming in the vast ocean, munching on humans and other creatures – your dream comes true in Maneater. You take on the role of a baby shark whose mother has been killed by a human. You embark on a journey of revenge and hunger for blood as you keep growing into a grown shark that’s nothing short of a nightmare. Of course, you have to level up quickly in Maneater to finally become the ruthless monster that you want to be....

September 11, 2022 · 2 min · 355 words · Laura Lee

How To Make A Timeline In Word

When you want to depict an itinerary, schedule, project plan, or milestones, a timeline graphic can be more effective than plain text. Microsoft Word offers built-in tools and layouts to create visually appealing timeline graphics. Here’s how to make a timeline in Word with minimal effort. How to Create a Timeline in Word for Windows Follow these steps to make a timeline in Microsoft Word for Windows. Instructions in this article apply to Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2019, Word 2016, and Word 2013....

September 11, 2022 · 8 min · 1648 words · Jeanne Wheeler

How To Move Fast In Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 2 Unlock Skye S Grappler

Want to increase your running speed in Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 2? For this, you will need a tool that will help you to move fast in Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 2. It is called Skye’s Grappler which is a powerful tool and comes with infinite use. Because of its unlimited usage you can use the Grappler and jump higher grounds with ease. Also, you can shoot it on the ground and pull yourself at high speed....

September 11, 2022 · 2 min · 343 words · Christine Kircher

How To Overclock Your Raspberry Pi 4

Retailing at around $40, Raspberry Pi 4 already gives you plenty of bang for your buck, but you can get even more out of this powerful single-board computer by overclocking it. Overclocking the CPU and GPU can often deliver a noticeable performance boost, which is particularly useful if you’re performing resource-intensive tasks, such as playing games, streaming high-resolution media, or using your Raspberry Pi as a mini laptop. Regardless of how you plan to use all of that extra power, by the end of this article you’ll have successfully boosted your Raspberry Pi 4’s CPU and GPU....

September 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1284 words · Felecia Metoyer

How To Partition Hard Disk Without Formatting In Windows

In this article, I will tell you how you can use the default feature to partition hard disk without formatting in Windows and without using any software. I have performed the operation in Windows 8 but same steps goes with other versions of Windows (Windows 7/8/10). However there are many software’s available to partition the hard disk without formatting but why to unnecessarily install an extra software when you have a feature provided by the Windows itself....

September 11, 2022 · 3 min · 442 words · Ferdinand Taylor

How To Perform Zoom Video Test On Windows And Android

Virtual meetings have become a significant part of modern life. Video conferencing apps have taken over the communication world. Zoom is one such app. It is a cloud-based platform that offers video meetings, voice calls and even allows customization by third-party developers. Before participating in google zoom meeting, it is important to understand how to do zoom test video call. If you are someone looking for tips about the same, we bring to you a helpful guide that will teach you how to perform Zoom video test so you enjoy video calls confidently....

September 11, 2022 · 5 min · 1037 words · Crystal Rutherford

How To Prevent Your Friends From Checking You In To Facebook Places

We all know that Facebook has released a new feature – Places that allow its users to check-in to places they are currently at. One of the features that come with Places is the ability to check your friends in as well. You can tag your friends that you are with and it will show up as a status update in your friends wall. While this feature may be welcomed by some, there are plenty of others who are concerned about their privacy and also the disclosure of their whereabouts....

September 11, 2022 · 2 min · 297 words · Robert Reynolds

How To Put Text On An Image In Photoshop

This article explains how to put text on an image in Photoshop. It includes information on advanced features of Photoshop you can use to enhance the text. What to Know Open an image in Photoshop. Select the Type tool and click or tap anywhere on the image to create a text box with a blinking cursor.Type the text and select it. Use the bar across the top of the screen to choose the font, weight, size, and alignment....

September 11, 2022 · 7 min · 1444 words · Sara Rhoades